April 13, 2010

Catching up!

Point and shoot camera.

I like my DSLR much much better. The only down side is that it is much much larger than my point and shoot. Here are some point and shoot pictures.

This is a soccer game that I went to. DAVID ARCHULETTA was there. Can I just say that I am in love? Creepy? Possible :]

April 8, 2010

walking up to campus on a beautiful day.

parking garage.

Roommate picture and self portrait.


my best friend got engaged. I was like a sniper in the grass. with a camera of course.

walk to class.

I stole my roommates CF card reader. Huzzah.

April 7, 2010

My CF card reader broke :[ no pictures until further notice.

April 2, 2010



she wont like me for posting this picture. but i thought the lighting was nice

my new journal

March 30, 2010


Roof top

March 24, 2010


toms, originally uploaded by krystlewahnschaffe.

I am trying to decide which kind of toms I should get. I am in need of a new pair.

March 23, 2010

fire hydrant

fire hydrant, originally uploaded by krystlewahnschaffe.

I apologize for being such a lame photographer as of late. This week I promise to make more of an effort. This was todays capture. A bright red fire hydrant in the bleak Utah landscape.